We were super excited to recently spend an afternoon behind the lens in Chelsea with dog blogger and talented equine/canine photographer Emma Bearman and her gorgeous spaniel Alfie.
Alfie is a four year old working English Springer Spaniel who Emma describes as 'the most loyal boy'. He is also the face of Alfie Bear, a blog for the dapper dog! Alfie took his recent trip and photo shoot in Chelsea in his stride and is definitely a well travelled dog!
It's clear to see from Emma's beautiful photos that she has a special rapport with dogs, knowing how to bring out their true personalities whilst also having fun at the same time!
We caught up with her to find out more...
Q: Emma, we'd love to hear about your inspiration behind Alfie Bear...
For me, it really is to document my time with Alf, I love sharing our adventures...
Q: Tell us a bit more about your photography business, we'd love to know more...
Funnily enough this was not something I intended to do! It all started during my A-levels, I had no clue what I wanted to as a career but as part of my A-level photography course I was uploading my equine work up onto my facebook page and it kind of snow balled - The power of social media! 5 years later it is still going and I'm having the best time!
Q: Alfie is such a handsome chap, how would you describe him?
Alfie is a very loyal dog, he always has me in mind at all times which is lovely! But he can be very needy. He has a great attitude to work whether we are out training or taking photos he just wants to please.
Q: If you had to describe him in three words, what would they be?
Spoilt, Lovable and Loyal
Q: You've been on some great trips on your blog recently, any recommendations?
I loved my trip to Devon and Padstow. The surrounding areas are so dog friendly and the beaches are just dreamy!
Alfie loves getting on the train, all I have to say is "are you going on the train" and he bounces around uncontrollably... which is surprising as he can be quite a wimp! He just takes it all in his stride. I love sightseeing with him. We felt that Chelsea would be the perfect place for Teddy Maximus, so luxurious!
Q: What are your top tips for taking photos with dogs (in the City)?
Have fun and capture each dogs personality! Of course a little bribery may be needed so I always have some cheese to hand! For the City I would say embrace any spectators and have your dog trained in the basics as even a sit & stay can come with lots of distractions!
.- Great tips, thank you Emma and Alfie! -

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