Love dogs, love style? Then you'll adore the latest shoot from 'Stephanie Dreams' - a blog written by Steph and assisted by her two gorgeous Spaniels Lily & Sev, from @SpanielLife. What began as a beauty and fashion blog has now involved into one which follows her 'life and loves'. We love!
Steph is a 28 year old veterinary nurse from Wiltshire and a semi professional photographer, which first started as a hobby with her blog 6 years ago!
We were delighted that they chose our Teddy Maximus coats for their recent trip to Clifton - a beautiful suburb of Bristol, located just a five minute drive away from the city centre. Clifton is renowned for having some of the most iconic spots in Bristol, including Brunel’s famous Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol Zoo and Clifton Downs. And now, a most sophisticated shoot with Lily & Sev!
We caught up with Steph to find out more!
Q: Lily & Sev make such a cute pair, we'd love to know a bit more about them - do they have similar personalities? Have you always had dogs in your life?
Sev and Lily are both really different, although Lily's personality is still coming through slowly. Sev is a huge human lover, he's very needy and such a companion. Lily is a little more of her own girl, although she does look to Sevvy for support.
We had a (show) cocker spaniel from a young age, Megan. So dogs have always been a major part of my life. We took some years to decide two was right and bought Alfie, a rescue collie X spaniel into our family home. Soon after I started in practice Tilly joined the gang too. Alfie is literally my everything and my true buddy, he's been with us for just over 10 years and he's my best friend.
When Sam (Steph's hubby) and I eventually found a house there was no doubt we had a dog in mind and I was set on a working cocker.
Q: We love the photos of your recent trip to Clifton, what are your top must haves when it comes to a day out with your dogs?
I guess it depends where you go, but for us- treats, water and chews. They'll settle with a chew if we're at a pub or cafe, which helps us take them to most places. Oh...and a good bow tie!
Q: What are your top luxury treats for Lily & Sev?
We treat them a lot! A little too much. They of course think food is the best thing ever, so we often treat them to pigs ears or something else wonderfully smelly from the pet shop. I however love taking them for days out, Severus loves the seaside! We've been to wonderful hotels and days out too, more recently we visited The Fish hotel in the Cotswolds which is a gorgeous hotel and so dog friendly.
- Thanks for the tip Steph, we'll have to check this hotel out, sounds great! -
Q: Whilst we're on top tips, what are your top tips for styling a shoot?
With the dogs treats are a must and it usually helps to have Sam involved with positioning while I get the camera ready. For "novelty" shoots, I love props to help the photos come alive.
Q: It clearly works really well! So we'd love to know, what's next for Stephanie Dreams?
After 6 years I just take it for what it is, a wonderfully fun hobby that I've stuck at. It's a true passion and love and even more so when I've been able to extend it to include the dogs and their Instagram.

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