Wir freuen uns sehr, die Markteinführung unseres'Sooo Soft' Shampoos bekannt zu geben! In den letzten Monaten haben wir unser neues Shampoo auf der Straße getestet und wir sind jedes Mal voller Vorfreude, wenn uns jemand fragt, wie Teddys Fell in gutem Zustand bleibt und sich weich anfühlt!
So we are delighted to have developed something to help stay clean and fresh with a gentle and cuddly scent of almonds and oatmeal to provide just the right amount of conditioning and deodorising.
We're pleased to say that this shampoo is also:
- Easy Rinse
- Vegan Friendly
- Contains a natural deodoriser
- Contains Aloe Vera & Oatmeal
- Contains Vitamin B5 which helps condition and smooth the coat
- Hergestellt in England
A beautiful bottle with an easy access push lid makes for pawfect pampering. Our resident pooch Teddy was lucky enough to take a bath with Daisy recently (!). They both enjoyed being pampered and we loved every moment seeing these sweet sausages having the best time together! Totes living their best [bath] life! Take a look at their afternoon...
Daisy's gorgeous mum Lois was on hand to supervise these cheeky little sausages - Teddy managed to resist all temptation to shake his booty mid rinse. Personally, we think he was trying to impress :-)
Shop the new shampoo here.
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